The Chronicle is reporting an automobile versus pedestrian accident that happened around 3:00pm on Monday April 25, 2011 on Clear Valley Drive at Glade Hollow in north Harris County. A teenage driver operating his mother’s car took a corner too fast and lost control, leaving the roadway and hitting two teenagers who were walking on the sidewalk. The teen driver now faces aggravated assault charges, according to the article. The injured teenagers went from the scene of the car accident to their homes and were then transported by ambulance to area hospitals in unknown condition. According to the article the teenage driver did not have permission to use his mother’s car and after hitting the pedestrians he left the scene but returned later and was arrested.’s report of the incident is available here. According to that article, the students had just stepped off a school bus before they were hit by the car, which witnesses report was traveling 70 to 80MPH in a subdivision before it jumped the curb. A witness named Virgil Ford is quoted as saying the teenager was showboating in his mother’s Cadillac. Another witness named Zerrion Mallery claimed his knee was badly injured by a mailbox struck by the speeding Cadillac. According to the Precinct 4 Constable’s office, one victim sustained a broken leg.

A teenager injured by a speeding Cadillac that mounted the sidewalk on Clear Valley
Even at low speeds, a pedestrian versus vehicle collision is no contest and the pedestrian always fares worst. Auto-pedestrian accidents often result in serious injuries such as road rash, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, internal injuries and traumatic brain injuries. If you, a friend or a family member have been involved in a pedestrian accident, remember to document any obvious signs of trauma such as cuts and bruises by taking good quality, well-lit photographs. Keep any damaged clothing. You can contact the experienced Houston personal injury attorneys at Smith & Hassler for a free consultation: over our 20-year history Smith & Hassler has successfully handled hundreds of auto-pedestrian accidents for injured clients.