Chain reaction wreck on US59 involves 12 vehicles, injuries

This Toyota minivan with what appears to be out of state license plates was severely damaged in the November 8, 2011 chain reaction wreck on US 59 in Houston
Around 3:30pm on Tuesday November 8, 2011 a major collision shut down the southbound lanes of US59. The multi-vehicle chain reaction style crash involved an 18-wheeler, an RV and at least 10 passenger cars, including the severely damaged Toyota minivan pictured above. Three children had to be extracted from the van according to Channel 11, and they were transported to the hospital along with others involved. An 18-wheeler lost a load of pipe in the collision. Channel 13 reports the location of the wreck as US 59 near Northpark outside Kingwood. Channel 2 is the only media site that lists an apparent cause for the collision: the 18-wheeler came upon the scene of a previous wreck and was unable to stop in time causing the big rig to swerve and jackknife.