Friends, family and colleagues of a very fine young man are mourning his passing after a motorcycle accident Wednesday night. 18-year old Nathan Raulz was riding his motorcycle on Stidham Road near Conroe and apparently attempting to pass an SUV when a collision occurred. For the past three years Nathan had been a volunteer firefighter with Central Montgomery County Fire-Rescue Station 171 (formerly River Plantation Fire Department). Nathan had graduated from Conroe High School last Saturday and had plans to serve his country in Afghanistan with U.S. Army, and then wanted to return home and become a professional firefighter and EMT. According to Channel 11’s article, the accident happened when the SUV made an unexpected left turn. The cause of the accident is under investigation, though media reports indicate no charges are expected.
Nathan’s nickname to his firefighter colleague was “Ragoo” and Nathan was named the department’s Junior Member of the Year in 2011. Fire-Rescue Chief John Farthing spoke in glowing terms of Nathan’s service to the department, telling the Houston Chronicle: “He was the kind of kid any parent would want. He was responsible, respectful, good academically and willing to do anything he could to help anyone in need. He was always early for training and always stayed late to make sure everything was done when training was finished. There will not be another Nathan Raulz any time soon.” A message has been posted to the fire department’s Facebook page regarding Nathan’s passing.
FOX News’ story is here. Channel 13’s story is here. The Houston Chronicle’s story is here.

Volunteer firefighter Nathan 'Ragoo' Raulz

A message posted to Central-Montgomery Fire Rescue's Facebook page

Nathan's motorcycle collided with an SUV near Conroe