Archive for March 26th, 2020

How rollover truck accidents wreak havoc in Texas

Houston truck accident attorney

Rollover accidents involving large commercial trucks often wreak havoc on Texas roads. That’s because large trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 lbs when fully-loaded with cargo.

Once a semi-trailer tips over on a high-speed roadway, a great deal of damage can be inflicted on other vehicles and roadside structures. As a result, multiple people can be injured or killed in a single crash.

According to the state crash data from the NHTSA, 664 people were killed in crashes involving large trucks on Texas roads — up from 657 the previous year. It’s unclear how many of these fatalities were caused by truck rollovers. Rollovers are one of the leading types of truck accidents in Texas, however.

What causes semi-truck rollovers?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the most common causes of semi-trailer rollovers include:

  • Driver error: The FMCSA says that roughly 78 percent of rollovers involve driver error such as drowsy driving, distracted driving and poorly navigating curves, as well as abrupt or over-steering.
  • Mechanical defects: Studies have found that more than 50 percent of truck rollovers are caused by brake defects.
  • Improper cargo loads: Improper loading of cargo is a contributing factor in more than 60 percent of rollovers. This often occurs when partial loads are not properly balanced, allowing for cargo to slosh from one side to another and disrupt the balance of the semi-trailer.

Myths about truck rollover accidents

Some myths about what causes truck rollovers include:

  • They’re caused by poor driving conditions: While poor driving conditions can contribute to truck rollovers, more than half of them occur on straight roads rather than curves or ramps. According to the FMCSA, nearly all truck rollovers happen on dry roads and two-thirds happen during daylight hours.
  • Speeding causes most rollovers: Speed is only a contributing factor, not a cause of rollovers. According to the FMCSA, driving too fast for conditions contributes to about 28 percent of rollovers.
  • Only inexperienced drivers cause rollovers: Rollovers can happen regardless of how much experience the driver has. In fact, approximately 66 percent of truck rollovers involve drivers with more than 10 years of driving experience.

What should I do if I’m injured in a rollover truck accident?

If your injuries are minor enough, you may be able to follow the standard crash protocol. This includes:

  • Calling the police
  • Taking pictures of the crash scene
  • Speaking to witnesses
  • Exchanging insurance information with other parties involved (name, address, phone number, insurance provider, and trucking company name and contact information)

Not all people involved in truck crashes have the luxury of taking these actions. If your injuries are severe, you will need prompt medical attention. You may not even remember exactly what happened.

The legal team at Smith & Hassler Attorneys at Law can help you get your life back. Our attorneys have been litigating truck crashes since 1989 and have a proven track record of getting results.

We serve clients in the greater Houston area. Contact us online or call 800-946-9461 (WIN WIN 1) to find out how we can help you.