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7 car accident on North Freeway at Gulf Bank

A major car accident on Houston North Freeway totaled several cars last night and sent a number of people to the hospital. According to KHOU’s reporter at around 11:30 p.m. a blue-colored Toyota Scion was stopped in the travel lanes, occupied by two men. An SUV approaching from behind was unable to stop in time and rear-ended the Scion. The freeway was closed down as emergency crews worked the accident, which of course caused traffic to back up and that resulted in another accident at West Mount Houston, when an SUV driver didn’t see the stopped traffic until it was too late, hitting the divider wall and several vehicles. A woman was extracted from a seriously damaged Toyota (pictured below); fortunately her injuries were not life-threatening.

car accident attorneys Houston TX Smith and Hassler personal injury

A woman was cut from this Toyota by the fire dept.

personal injury attorneys Houston Smith and Hassler

Injured driver

truck accident attorneys Houston TX Smith and Hassler

SUV damaged in last nights chain reaction accident

3 killed in car accident on Southwest Freeway feeder

Early this morning a Chevrolet Suburban left the roadway on the Southwest Freeway feeder road, hitting a metal light pole and bursting into flames. Three occupants of the vehicle died in the crash. Police say the vehicle flipped over before hitting the pole near Sands Point Drive around 1:45 a.m. It appears that excessive speed was a factor in causing the crash.

Houston Texas car accident personal injury attorneys Smith and Hassler

14-year old killed in head on crash on Central Street in Houston

A head-on collision on Central Street in Houston has left a 14-year old boy dead and a 17-year old boy charged with driving while intoxicated. The 14-year old was sitting in the front passenger seat of pickup truck westbound on Central near Lawndale; an eastbound minivan began drifting over the center lane into oncoming traffic, and the driver attempted to correct back into his lane. The 17-year old driver of the pickup truck had already begun to react and was trying to go around the minivan when the head-on crash occurred. The 17-year old driving the pickup was charged with driving while intoxicated, though it does not appear he was responsible for the crash.

car accident attorney Houston Smith and Hassler personal injury

Photo credit: Ch 2 News

Smith and Hassler personal injury law firm online reviews

Online reviews are an important source of information for anyone looking for products or services, including someone who is looking for a good personal injury attorney. Smith & Hassler is currently rated 4.9 out of 5 stars on Google, based on 42 reviews from former clients. You can read Smith & Hassler’s client reviews here.

Smith & Hassler has four attorneys (Albert M. Hassler, David Swick, Brent Cordell and Daragh Carter) who are Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Personal Injury Trial Law. The firm has been representing injured people throughout Texas since 1989. In addition to seven full-time attorneys, Smith & Hassler employs 11 full time staff members to ensure client matters are handled as efficiently as possible.

6 injured in Nissan Murano crash on Eldridge Parkway

Six people were injured in a two vehicle car accident yesterday, three of them were life flighted to Memorial Hermann. The crash happened on Eldridge Parkway at Guernsey Drive, according to Channel 2, when a black-colored Nissan Murano SUV pulled out in front of another SUV occupied by three teenagers. The woman driving the Murano and two passengers were transported via life flight, the teenagers by ground ambulance.

car accident personal injury attorneys Houston Smith Hassler

Vigils held for Terra Kubala and Trent Weber; driver hires criminal attorney

17-year old Trent Weber, a student at Seven Lakes High School in Katy ISD, and 16-year old Terra Kubala, a 16-year old student at Cinco Ranch High School, died over the weekend when the Toyota Tundra pickup truck they were riding in rolled several times. Investigators say the 18-year old driver of the pickup was traveling on Lunda Vista Lane in Fort Bend County on Sunday morning when the wreck happened; at the time there were as many as five teenagers in the cab of the truck and 10 riding in the bed. The driver, whose name has not been released, visited the scene yesterday with his criminal defense attorney Dan Cogdell. At the scene the teen and his lawyer were confronted by Nick Grantges, Terra Kubala’s older brother.

The driver was tested for alcohol by FBCSO, but the results have not been released. Trent and Terra were apparently riding in the pickup bed.

Houston Texas car accident personal injury attorneys Smith & Hassler

Terra and Trent

Texas A&M students hurt in head on crash in Cleveland Texas

Five Texas A&M students were hospitalized after a head on crash Sunday evening. The accident happened around 8:30 p.m. on Highway 105 near Goode City Road in Cleveland, Texas. A pickup truck veered into oncoming traffic, colliding head on with the students’ Hyundai Sonata sedan. Two of the students were in critical condition.

car accident personal injury attorneys in Houston Smith and Hassler

The A&M students' Hyundai

Smith & Hassler has four attorneys who are Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and two attorneys named to Texas Super Lawyers “Rising Stars” list for 2015.

Fieldwood Energy Echo platform explosion kills contract worker

One contract worker has been killed and three others seriously injured in an explosion on Fieldwood Energy’s Echo platform, 12 miles off the coast of Louisiana. The oil and gas platform was apparently not in production at the time and no pollution has been reported. Fieldwood Energy is a Houston-based company with an office in Lafayette, Louisiana.

KHOU’s story; ABC Channel 13’s story; Channel 2’s story

Robert and Gilberto Tisnado victims of DuPont chemical plant leak

Brother Robert and Gilbert Tisnado have been identified as two of the four people killed in a  leak at DuPont’s LaPorte, Texas chemical plant Saturday morning. The brothers had worked together at the DuPont chemical facility for the past six years; when the leak first started, Gilbert rushed in wearing a gas mask to try and save his brother. Robert Tisnado is survived by his wife and three children; Gilbert leaves behind two children and five grandchildren.

Update: Channel 2 is reporting that the audio recordings of 911 calls have been obtained and show that a DuPont supervisor reporting the incident and seeking emergency assistance was not sure what kind of chemical was released, but did feel confident enough to tell the 911 dispatcher that there was no threat to the public. The two other victims killed in the incident have been identified as Crystle Rae Wise and Wade Baker.

Houston wrongful deaths attorneys Smith & Hassler

Robert Tisnado, left, and his brother Gilbert Tisnado

Saturday’s deadly accident occurred when, according to DuPont company spokesperson Aaron Woods, a valve at the LaPorte, Texas plant failed to contain a chemical called methyl mercaptan, something that is typically used in the manufacture of insect poison. A fifth worker was injured in the incident, and is reportedly conscious and talking in hospital. One of the workers killed was a supervisor with 40-years experience. Woods said that while the chemical is very dangerous in concentrated form, once it disperses in the air it is no longer a threat. The U.S. Chemical Safety Board is sending a seven person team to investigate the incident and try to determine a cause.

Galveston teens killed in accident with Republic Services gargage truck

16-year old Christopher Ragle and 16-year old Gabriella Giles, both students of Ball High School in Galveston, were tragically killed this morning when their pickup truck collided with a Republic Services garbage truck on Stewart Road near 84th Street shortly before 7:00 a.m. The Galveston Daily News web site has detailed coverage of this tragic accident.

Houston truck accident attorneys Smith & Hassler law firm

Photo credit: KHOU

Smith and Hassler

Gabriella Giles and Christopher Ragle