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Prius and Explorer collide in car accident at Red Bluff and Genoa

Police that that just after 11:00 a.m. Friday a woman driving a Prius with a child passenger ran a red light at Red Bluff Road and Genoa Red Bluff Road in Pasadena, causing a Ford Explorer to broadside (T-bone) the Prius. The woman and the 4-year old were transported to hospital, fortunately they did not have life-threatening injuries.

Houston personal injury attorney for car accident

Photo credit: Channel 2

RELATED LINKS: types of car accidents; what to do after a car or truck accident; Houston attorney for car accident

Wreck on FM 1960 injures DPS Trooper

DPS Trooper John Sampa was injured in a two vehicle accident today.  While driving a DPS patrol car eastbound on FM 1960 West off Highway 249 a driver pulled away from a stop sign and in front of Trooper Sampa.  Both the civilian and Trooper Sampa were taken to Methodist Willowbrook in stable condition, according to Channel 2 NewsChannel 13 reported that the Trooper may have broken his arm in the accident: hopefully not, that would probably mean an extended leave of absence from work. Video on KHOU’s web site shows the drivers being loaded into ambulances at the accident scene.

Houston personal injury attorney Smith Hassler

Photo credit: Channel 2 News

RELATED LINKS: Houston car accident attorney information; insurance companies and car accidents.

Rear end accident between pickup trucks on South Loop injures two

A rear end accident early Monday morning sent two people to hospital. The crash happened around 2:00 a.m. on Houston’s South 610 Loop near the Broadway Street overpass. One pickup, traveling at a high speed, crashed into the rear of a second pickup. The driver in the truck that was rear ended was taken to hospital, so was a passenger in the speeding pickup. Photographs from Channel 11’s web site show significant damage to the vehicles.

rear end accident attorney Houston personal injury

Photo credit: KHOU

personal injury attorney Houston for car accident

Photo credit: KHOU

Need to speak with a personal injury attorney for your Houston car accident? Smith & Hassler has represented injured Texans since 1989. Read reviews from our former clients on Google.

River Oaks restaurant valet in BMW involved in fatal motorcycle accident

Sergeant Cedrick Nickerson with Houston Police Department told a reporter for Channel 13 News that it appears a restaurant valet driving a BMW made an error in judgment when he changed lanes across the path of a motorcyclist, killing the rider. The crash happened near the as yet unidentified restaurant in River Oaks at Westheimer Road and Virginia Street around 11:30 p.m. The restaurant valet, driving a BMW, and motorcyclist were heading the same direction on Westheimer.  It appears the valet attempted a right turn onto Virginia from the inside lane (the lane nearest the center of the roadway), cutting off the motorcyclist’s right-of-way.  When the bike couldn’t stop in the time, the vehicles collided. Sadly although the motorcyclist was rushed to the emergency room, he was pronounced dead when he arrived.

Fatal motorcycle accident restaurant valet BMW Westheimer River Oaks

Lumvouris Webb, wife, son victims of 18 wheeler wreck in Texarkana

Tragedy struck a Houston family this weekend: three lives were lost in an 18-wheeler accident on Interstate 30 in Texarkana, Arkansas.  According to news reports for Houston’s Channel 11 and Channel 13, the victims were Lumvouris Webb (43), his son Q’Xnstian Marcell Webb (7) and wife Charlotte Williams Webb (52). Media accounts state the family were stopped in traffic at 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning for an accident up ahead when their vehicle was struck from behind by a big rig driven by 22-year old Johnathan Woodell.  A woman in a third vehicle was also injured. The Webb family vehicle burst into flames, all were pronounced dead at the scene. Lumvouris Webb is survived by at least one son, Lumvouris Webb, Jr. who is an Airman in the United States Navy. God bless them, and those they leave behind.

Lumvouris Webb 18 wheeler accident

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Head on crash on Mykawa injures three, alcohol involvement suspected

The driver of a red pickup swerved out of his lane around 10:00 p.m. Friday night while traveling on Mykawa, then crossed into oncoming traffic causing a head-on collision that injured a man and a 12-year old boy. All three people involved were taken to Ben Taub in serious but stable condition. Police found beer cans in the cab of the red pickup truck so alcohol involvement is obviously suspected as being a factor in the crash.

Channel 11’s story on the accident is here.

Mykawa drunk driving accident pickup truck head on crash

Photo credit: Channel 2 News Houston

Houston drunk driving accident attorney information

Police: Dalia Alfaro drunk when she caused deadly car accident

18-year old Dalia Alfaro has been charged with intoxication manslaughter in connection with a deadly car accident yesterday.  Police are saying Alfaro, a dancer at a club called Sin City, was drunk when she left the club after her shift.  Channel 11 News’ story notes that Sin City’s web site says the club is open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. but the accident happened shortly after 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

The tragic chain of events was set in motion when a police officer saw Alfaro driving a silver Dodge pickup at 60 MPH in a 35 MPH zone on Westheimer near Gessner. Alfaro allegedly fled from the officer when he attempted a traffic stop, then she crashed into a vehicle at Kirkwood and Westheimer then kept going. Alfaro apparently stopped at some point, but then reversed and took off again.

Disaster struck when Alfaro, doing 85 MPH, ran a red light at the intersection of Eldridge Parkway and collided with a green-colored Mazda 3 then hit the driver’s side of a gray Impala.  Alfaro’s truck then swerved and hit a concrete truck head-on, ending the pursuit.

The driver of the Impala, only 29-years old, died at the scene.

Police took Alfaro to Memorial Hermann Southwest for minor injuries and was determined to be drunk after a blood draw was taken.  Alfaro is being held on $80,000 bond. Alfaro reportedly has prior convictions for evading arrest, graffiti and possession of marijuana.

Dalia Alfaro drunk driving accident Houston

Dalia Alfaro drunk driving accident Houston

Photo credit: Channel 2 News Houston

Concrete truck and pickup collide on FM 1942 killing one

The driver of a pickup truck was killed Monday morning in a collision with a concrete truck at the intersection of FM 1942 and Bohemian Hall Road in Houston. The collision happened around 10:50 a.m. Police say the pickup driver was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident and a female passenger was transported to the emergency room at Memorial Hermann. The concrete truck driver was also transported with minor injuries.  Images from Channel 11 News‘ helicopter footage show the concrete truck came to rest in the opposing lane of traffic. According to Channel 2’s news coverage, the cause of the accident was the pickup truck driver’s failure to yield the right-of-way at a stop sign.  Channel 2 reports that the female passenger was life-flighted, and lost her right arm in the accident.

Bohemian Hall Road concrete truck fatal accident

Suspected drunk driver in Tahoe hits police officer on North Freeway

A Houston police officer and a driver he pulled over were injured this morning when their vehicles were hit by a suspected drunk driver in a Chevy Tahoe. The accident happened at around 1:45 a.m. on the North Freeway (I-45 N) near Airline Drive. The officer was out of his vehicle and the police cruiser was parked behind a motorist the officer had just pulled over when the Tahoe came from behind and crashed into the police cruiser, propelling into into the officer and the stopped driver’s vehicle. The driver of the Tahoe was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, and the officer and the other motorist were taken to the emergency room to be checked out. Channel 11’s story is here.

Houston personal injury attorneys for drunk driving accident

Photo credit" KHOU Channel 11 News

Drunk driving accident attorneys Houston personal injury

Photo credit: KHOU Channel 11 News

Police officer hurt when patrol car rear ended by SUV on Highway 290

Late Thursday night an SUV rear-ended a HPD patrol unit that was stopped with its emergency lights activated on Highway 290 near Pinemont.  The truck of the police car is crushed all the way to the base of the rear window, which suggests a very significant impact given the size of the trunk on a Ford Crown Victoria. At the time of the accident the officer was sitting in the police car and was blocking an exit ramp for a stranded driver. The police officer and the driver of the SUV were transported to the emergency room; according to Channel 2’s report police are now investigating whether alcohol was a factor in the crash.

police car rear-ended US290 Pinemont

Photo credit - Channel 2 News Houston

Smith and Hassler has handled personal injury cases in Houston and throughout Texas since the firm was founded by Michael Smith and Al Hassler in 1989. The firm has four attorneys that are Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and has the support staff and resources to handle personal injury cases of all sizes. You can read reviews from former clients on Google and City Search Houston to get a sense of the job we do.