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Tragic driveway accident in Lakewood Forest subdivision

A family is devastated after a driveway back-up accident claimed the life of a 3-year old little girl in the Lakewood Forest subdivision in northwest Harris County. The accident happened in the 1100 block of Ericston early in the afternoon as the father was backing his full-size pickup truck out of the driveway: he did not know his daughter was anywhere nearby. Another adult was in the home and it is not known how the little girl got out of the house. After the accident the girl’s father screamed for help and a neighbor who had recently completed a first aid and CPR course responded. The neighbor drove the father and the little girl to St. Luke’s Hospital which was only a mile and a half from the home, however the girl was pronounced dead on arrival.
Harris County Precinct 4 responded to the accident and characterize it as a terrible accident: there was no recklessness on the father’s part. Back-over accidents are surprisingly common. The NHTSA statistic is that as many as five small children are killed each week in back-over accidents. The NHTSA offers the following suggestions to help prevent such accidents:
1. Always check your mirrors BEFORE you start backing up
2. Walk around your vehicle and check BEFORE backing up, particularly if you drive a large vehicle with high ground clearance, like a pickup truck or SUV
3. Roll down the windows and turn off the radio so you can hear what is going on outside the vehicle
4. Teach children how important it is to stand clear of vehicles

Worker loading ship injured in fall at Port of Houston

A worker loading a ship at the Port of Houston fell and sustained serious injuries last night. Houston Fire Department was called to the scene at around 9:30 p.m. The worker sustained possible broken ribs and an injured back: he was sent to the hospital in serious but stable condition. A supervisor also was injured in a fall, but apparently fell a short distance – about five feet. That man injured his wrist. Channel 11’s story.

Pedestrian fatally struck by car on Cravens Road in Stafford

Channel 11 is reporting that a man in his 50’s was fatally struck while walking a dark road in Stafford, Texas last night. The Stafford Police Department said the accident happened at around 9:00 p.m. on Cravens Road near the intersection with Linda. The man was walking northbound on the shoulder of Cravens and was hit by a car driven by a young female. The pedestrian was wearing dark-colored clothing and the area of the road where the accident happened was not well lit: the driver said she never saw the pedestrian. It is not expected that charges would be filed: the driver stopped at the scene and waited for the police.

Man severely hurt by crash into Highway 90 freeway pillar

A man in his late 20’s sustained critical injuries Tuesday evening when his car swerved across several lanes of Highway 90 and crashed head-on into a freeway overpass support pillar. Harris County Sheriff’s Office say the accident happened at around 10:00 p.m. on Highway 90 beneath E. Sam Houston Parkway N. Channel 11’s report including pictures is here.

11-year old Christina Lopez struck and killed by big rig in Texas City

A tragic accident in Texas City has claimed the life of sixth grader Christina Lopez. 11-year old Christina was struck and killed by a big rig truck as she waited for a school bus to take her to Levi Fry Intermediate School Monday morning. Christina was sitting at the bus stop at around 8:00 a.m. when the truck, driven by a neighbor, rounded a corner and struck her. A spokesman for Texas City Police Department, Captain Brian Goetschius, told Channel 11 reporters that they believed Christina was partially in the roadway when she was struck. Channel 2 quotes the Captain as saying that it was driver inattention or error in judgment for the driver to think he could turn the corner safely. Christina was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, which was the 2900 block of 26th Street. Neighbor Adelina Moreno told reporters that when Christina’s mother was notified of the accident, the mom could be heard screaming. The truck driver volunteered to undergo a blood test after the accident. The school sent other children home with a letter to their parents explaining what had happened. John and Nina Lopez, Christina’s parents, are devastated.

Accident victim Christina Lopez

Worker killed in accident at Stolthaven Houston on Jacintoport Blvd

Although details are sparse, local news is reporting that a worker was killed yesterday in an industrial accident at the Stolthaven Houston plant in southeast Harris County. Around noon a piece of heavy construction equipment shifted, pinning the worker against a wall. Other workers used a bulldozer for pull the earth mover away from the pinned worker so paramedics could reach him. The man was pronounced dead at the scene. Because there was an on-the-job fatality OSHA will investigate the incident. The Stolthaven facility is located at 15602 Jacintoport Boulevard. The 40-year old worker’s name has not yet been released. Channel 13’s report is here.

The arrow point to the earth mover that pinned the worker

Scene of yesterday's accident

Teen driver killed and passenger hurt in crash on Clear Lake City Blvd

A 19-year old driver was killed early this morning in a crash that police believe resulted from speeds around 90 miles per hour.  The accident happened on Clear Lake City Boulevard near Whitlock at around 2:30 a.m.  Houston Police Department officers arrived on scene to find the driver and a passenger critically hurt: the driver was pronounced dead and the passenger was transported to the emergency room with a broken leg.  While the investigation is ongoing, investigators impression is that the driver was speeding eastbound when the pickup hit a curb and left the roadway, crashing into a group of trees. This is a tragic example of the danger posed by high speed driving: excessive speed can turn what might otherwise have been a survivable accident into a fatality by increasing vehicle damage and the physical forces on the occupants of the vehicle. Channel 13’s report is here.

Officer work the accident scene on Clear Lake City Blvd.

PT Cruiser driver killed in 18-wheeler accident on Airport Boulevard

The driver of a Chrysler PT Cruiser was killed yesterday evening in a collision with an 18-wheelerAccording to Channel 11’s online report, the 18-wheeler was making a turn when the PT Cruiser struck the side of the trailer.  The accident happened just before 6:00 p.m. on Airport Boulevard at Kopman Drive in Houston.

Photo credit: KHOU Ch. 11

Wrong way accident on I-45 at Dallas

Yet another major accident has happened on Interstate 45 due to a wrong way driver who may have been driving drunk.  The crash happened on I-45 near Dallas at around 2:00 a.m. last night.  A car and pickup truck crashed head-on, sending the woman in the car to the hospital. According to Channel 13’s report the pickup driver wasn’t injured.  Police say the woman driving the car went the wrong direction on a ramp and is suspected of being drunk. The crash is still under investigation.

Photo credit: ABC Ch. 13 News

Baytown pedestrian injured by hit and run driver

A woman was found lying injured in a Baytown parking lot early this morning, apparently the victim of a hit and run driver.  The accident happened around 2:30 a.m. on W. Baker Road at Garth Road, according to Baytown P.D. The woman was taken to hospital via life flight helicopter, and although she was seriously injured she was able to tell the police she was hit by a car.  The investigation is ongoing, Channel 11’s story is here.