Author Archive

Man in wheelchair hit by truck on South Post Oak

Around 1:15 p.m. Wednesday a man in a wheelchair was hit and dragged by a pickup truck as he crossed South Post Oak near West Orem in southwest Houston. Witness Jacqueline Pineda told Channel 13 she shouted for the pickup driver to stop when she saw the man hit. The man in the wheelchair was dragged by the truck for a few blocks before a passerby pulled in front of the truck to stop it, at which time witnesses say the man tumbled out from underneath the truck. The victim was transported to the hospital with severe road rash, and the driver was detained by police who said he would be charged with failure to stop and render aid (at least). The driver of the truck speaking to Channel 13 from inside a police car said he simply didn’t see the man crossing the street. Neighbor say he crosses there all the time in his wheelchair. Channel 13’s coverage is here.
Smith & Hassler has been helping clients injured in pedestrian accidents for the past 23-years. If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident and would like a free consultation with an experienced Houston personal injury attorney, visit or call 713 739 1250.

Fatal auto pedestrian accident on Aldine Westfield

A pedestrian was fatally struck by a minivan in Houston last night at around 10:20 p.m. The accident happened on Aldine Westfield Road at Aldine Mail Route Road. A man was walking on the shoulder of the roadway when he was stuck: the minivan driver remained at the scene and spoke to police, and it is not believed alcohol is a factor. Channel 11’s report.

18-wheeler accident on Gulf Freeway ramp in Houston

A fairly spectacular 18-wheeler accident took place in Houston this morning when an 18-wheeler fully loaded with a cargo of plywood went off a ramp on the Gulf Freeway and crashed to the ground below. The accident happened around 10:45 a.m. as the truck was headed toward the eastbound South Loop. Houston police said the trucker was traveling too fast to make a corner, then lost control and tumbled over the side. The 18-wheeler driver, miraculously, escaped with apparently very minor injuries, probably because he was wearing his seatbelt. The truck weighed more than 36 tons and fell about 20 feet: fortunately there was no traffic traveling below at the time. Police said the driver will get a citation for failure to control speed. The trucking company the driver was working for has agreed to pay for the clean-up. Channel 2’s story on the 18-wheeler accident is here. Channel 11’s story is here.

Pickup trucks crash at Pasadena intersection hospitalizing two

A crash in Pasadena at the intersection of Space Center Boulevard and Fairmont Parkway around midnight last night sent two people to the hospital. A maroon-colored Ford F-series pickup truck and a black Ford F-series pickup truck were involved. According to the Pasadena Police Department, the maroon Ford ran the red light and caused the accident: one person in the black truck was taken to hospital via life flight helicopter, the other by ground ambulance. Police said the driver of the Ford would be tested for possible drunk driving. A witness who helped the injured right after the crash disagreed with the Pasadena Police Department’s conclusion on who was at fault, and said the black truck ran the red light. You can read Channel 11’s report here. Smith & Hassler offers free attorney consultations for personal injury cases. Visit or call (713) 739 1250.

Pasadena Police Dept believes this red Ford truck ran a red light

Watco Mechanical Services flash fire in Hockley injures three

Sunday August 19th: A flash fire at Watco Mechanical Services facility in Hockley injured three people. The incident happened around 12:30 p.m. Three life flight helicopters were sent to the scene. According to Channel 13’s article, emergency responders said the three injured people were in a paint booth under construction when paint dust caught fire. Watco Mechanical Services repairs and rebuilds trains and railcars.

Head-on accident on FM 1488 kills one and injures two

A head-on crash on FM 1488 in Montgomery County has left one woman and her pet dog dead and another woman and her three year old daughter injured. Taylor Harris, 20, was driving her Ford Focus car westbound on FM 1488 when, for a reason that’s not known, she cross the center turn lane and crashed head-on into Melanie Sangil‘s Nissan Armada SUV, heading eastbound. Harris was killed in the accident, as was her pet dog. Melanie Sangil and her 3-year old daughter were taken to Conroe Regional Hospital in stable condition. The crash happened around 5:15 p.m. on FM 1488 near Peoples Road. Channel 2’s story is here. The Montgomery County Police Reporter story is here, including video and photographs. Both women are reported to be from Conroe.

Suspected drunk driver of Tahoe in accident with precinct 5 constables

The driver of a Chevrolet Tahoe SUV is suspected of driving drunk in a crash on the West Beltway last night at around 3:30 a.m. The driver crashed into two precinct 5 deputy Constables‘ patrol cars while the deputies were out of their vehicles conducting a traffic stop on the northbound side when the white-colored Tahoe traveled across four lanes of traffic toward them. One deputy constable was struck, the other was able to jump over the crash barrier and get out of the way. The injured deputy was transported to Memorial Hermann with a head injury, though thankfully he was alert. The deputy that jumped over the wall remained at the accident scene. The Tahoe driver was taken into custody and is suspected of drunk driving. Channel 13’s story is here. KHOU’s story is here. Channel 2’s story is here.

Car lands on woman sleeping inside her Airline Drive home

Police suspect drunk driving may be the reason why a car left the southbound lanes of Airline Drive, bounced off a phone pole and pickup truck before plowing into a mobile home, landing atop a woman sleeping in her bed. Harris County Sheriff’s Office say the red car was traveling at a high rate of speed before it crashed in the 9200 block of Airline Drive around midnight. Amazingly the woman was transported to hospital in relatively good condition, save for some burns from the hot car. The driver of the car made an attempt to flee the accident scene on foot but witnesses held him down until police arrived. Read Channel 11’s report here. Channel 13’s report is here.

Smith & Hassler’s Houston personal injury attorneys have no patience for lowball settlement offers on drunk driving accidents from insurance companies and will aggressively represent clients to make sure they are properly compensated. Don’t allow an insurance adjuster to talk you into a small settlement days after an accident, visit to arrange a free consultation.

Shannon Garcia apprehended in hit-and-run death of Jeremy Choate

Perhaps small consolation for the family of hit-and-run motorcycle accident victim Jeremy Choate, but Shannon Garcia, the suspected hit-and-run driver wanted in connection with Jeremy’s death, has been arrested by the Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force in a Gainsville hotel.

Shannon Garcia was (allegedly) driving a black Ford Fusion car that struck Jeremy Choate’s motorcycle in the Houston Heights area on Saturday night.  The 25-year old Gainsville resident then hugged her boyfriend Robert Maddux who got out of the car.  Garcia reportedly said “I’m leaving” before departing the accident scene on foot along the I-10 service road. The crash happened around 9:15 p.m. at Studemont and the Interstate 10 service road.

Tragically Jeremy Choate, a father of two girls aged 5 and 7, suffered major head trauma in the accident (he was not wearing a helmet) and died Sunday afternoon from his injuries.  Jeremy was one of Houston’s most sought-after lighting designers and a nationally recognized artist

Robert Maddux remained at the scene and identified Shannon Garcia as the driver. According to the Houston Chronicle’s story, Maddux said he had been dating Garcia for about two weeks, and prior to the accident the couple had been drinking at El Tiempo Cantina on Washington Avenue.  He said Garcia had one margarita at his (Maddux’) house before they went out, then three more margaritas at El Tiempo.  Reportedly Maddux told police Garcia was “no OK to drive.”

Woman flees after causing motorcycle accident on Katy Freeway feeder

A woman crashed her car into the back of a motorcyclist then fled on foot, leaving her passenger behind. The accident happened around 9:15 p.m. after which police arrived to find a motorcyclist lying on the ground on the Katy Freeway service road at Studemont. Police say the motorcyclist was stopped for a red light when the car ran the light and struck the motorbike. The motorbike rider was thrown into the windshield and onto the ground: he was transported to the hospital in critical condition. According to police, the woman got out of her car and ran away leaving her boyfriend behind in the passenger seat. Channel 11’s report is here.
Motorcycle accidents pose their own particular set of challenges as motorcyclists often suffer much more serious injuries than victims of car accidents, and getting large emergency room bills paid by the at-fault driver’s insurance company can be difficult. The Smith & Hassler Houston personal injury attorneys have helped literally hundreds of injured motorcyclists recover their damages.