Dodge Charger runs red light at Westheimer and Kirkwood flipping SUV
A woman was lucky to survive a serious collision at the intersection of Westheimer and Kirkwood 12:15am Sunday morning. A Dodge Charger traveling approximately 50 MPH ran a red light and crashed into the woman’s SUV causing it to flip over. Police has to rescue the woman from her wrecked vehicle and she and two others were transported to hospital in serious but stable condition. Channel 11’s report on this car accident listed the Dodge Charger as traveling eastbound on Westheimer at the time of the collision. KHOU’s web site features raw video from the scene of the accident. A dark-colored SUV (possibly a Toyota Forerunner) sustained extremely severe damage to the passenger side and the light gray or silver colored Dodge Charger showed massive front-end damage.

Both airbags deployed in the black SUV, hopefully protecting the female driver from more serious injury.
A car accident is a very disruptive event for most people. A damaged vehicle may mean you cannot get to work, grocery shop, take your kids to school or sporting events, and so on. Injuries may mean you are unable to work, hence unable to support yourself or your family due to lost wages. And not only are you missing income because you are unable to work, but you now have unexpected debts for medical treatment, sometimes in the tens of thousands of dollars. Dealing with all of these challenges at once can feel overwhelming, particularly if you have never been involved in an accident before. If the at-fault driver had insurance, you are probably dealing with requests for information from the insurance company too. Smith & Hassler firmly believes that the earlier in the process you get sound advice from an experienced personal injury attorney who is willing to listen to you, answer your questions and provide you guidance, the better. The insurance company will press you early on to give a recorded statement about the accident, your injuries, your medical history and more: don’t do it, the statement is for their benefit, not yours. You can call or email Smith & Hassler any time for a free consultation on your car accident injury claim.