Several cars that were facing westbound on FM 1960 in Spring were stopped at a traffic light at Cypress Station around 12:20 a.m. Saturday morning when an SUV slammed into the rear of an older model Cadillac waiting in line. The Cadillac was shoved forward into the vehicle in front of it, then the Cadillac sideswiped a fourth vehicle. Reportedly the SUV flipped over onto its side and the driver had to be extracted by rescue crews: the was transported by Life Flight in critical condition. A man and a woman in the Cadillac were taken to hospital in serious but stable condition. Two men in the red-colored vehicle that the Cadillac was pushed into were treated at the scene but were arrested when deputies found a large amount of marijuana in their vehicle. Channel 11’s report is here.
Interestingly a person who commented on an accident
report on Channel 2’s web site claimed to be the only witness to the accident, and offered the following observations:
“I was probably the only witness to this wreck. the driver of the suv was in fact speeding. there were 10-15 vehicles stopped at the red light when the collision occured. im pretty good at judging speed, and i estimated the suv to be traveling in excess of 75mph but no more than 85mph (keep in mind that it is a 40mph zone). this wreck was pretty bad. if it was in a movie it would have been a michael bay film. life flight took ~30-45 mins from the time the road had been closed off and crews were already on the scene before it arrived and landed. both the suv and the caddy had to be cut open to remove the occupants, although there wasnt much left of either. i hope that the driver that caused all of this (the driver of the suv) gets the harshest penalties. Seeing it all happen first hand, i can only pray that justice is served. (I have excluded some details from this post intentionally).“

A man and woman in this Cadillac were seriously injured

The SUV that rear-ended the Cadillac flipped on its side

Construction hats inside the SUV that caused the crash