Houston news outlets are reporting a four vehicle accident at a Beltway 8 toll plaza around 11:00 a.m. this morning. Two people were killed and several others injured when a Global Waste Services tractor pulling a dumpster trailer crashed into an extended cab pickup truck with four occupants, and then struck a gold-colored Honda occupied by a Precinct 4 Deputy Constable and his wife. After striking the pickup and the gold Honda, the Global Waste Services truck then collided with another pickup truck waiting at the toll booths; the dump truck then hit a concrete retaining wall and burst into flames.

Photo credit: Cliff Moore / Houston Chronicle
The driver of the Global Waste Services truck and the driver of the second pickup died at the scene. The deputy constable, his wife and two of the four people in the extended cab pickup (the first vehicle that was hit) were transported to hospital. According to Channel 2 News Houston, the deputy constable’s wife’s injuries were serious and his injuries were relatively minor.

Photo credit: Cliff Moore / Houston Chronicle
Per Channel 2’s report investigators “don’t know how the accident happened”, though from what has been reported so far it appears rather clear: the driver of the Global Waste Services truck for some reasons was unable to stop in time and plowed into traffic ahead of him. A very interesting comment was posted on Channel 2’s web page by an apparent fact witness, who wrote the following:
“I actually followed this dump truck from 45 and the beltway. He was swerving all over and actually hit a truck entering the on ramp. I started to call the police because he kept going. Before I realized the toll booth was right ahead and he was not stopping. I stopped about 100 yards behind him and just watch this scene unfold. I am still crying. The poor souls in the toll lane had no idea he was coming. It was a scene out of a movie and I watched as if I were in a theatre. There was a man in the middle of the street. There was debris and fire and glass and people running…it was absolutely insane. I am relieved I was behind him and knew to stay back. I pray for the families of the lives lost. I honestly believe the guy driving the dump truck had to have had some medical emergency.”

Photo credit: Cliff Moore / Houston Chronicle