A man is extremely lucky to be alive after crashing into steel girders being carried on the back of a big rig that was backing out. Channel 13 reports that the wreck happened on FM 529 near Paddock Bend Drive. The impact ripped apart the driver’s side of the man’s white-colored SUV, possibly an older model Suburban. The man was critically injured. Most likely the 18-wheeler will be faulted for the collision, since a vehicle backing onto the main travel lanes would have a duty to do so safely and without interfering with traffic that has the right-of-way.

Photo credit: Channel 13 News
If you have been seriously injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler, large truck or other commercial vehicle, it is very much in your interest to have an excellent understanding of your legal rights and how the injury claims process works. Insurance companies dedicate tremendous time and resources to investigating what they call “large loss claims”: bad accidents where the injured person is seriously hurt, and the insurance company has a large policy covering the at-fault vehicle. Make no mistake: they are investigating to see if there is a way to avoid paying some or all of the claim. Smith & Hassler has an excellent track record of handling major injury and wrongful death claims involving commercial vehicles that dates back to 1989 when the firm was founded. Visit us here to learn more.